RC-MAPS: Bridging the Comprehension Gap in EAP Reading
In academic environments, reading is assigned not simply to transmit information; students are required to take the information, and based on the task set by the instructor, assess, analyze, and critique it on the basis of personal experiences, prior knowledge, and other readings (Grabe, 2009). Thus text-based comprehension (Kintsch, 1998) alone is not sufficient for academic success. Top-down processing is also required; this involves applying prior knowledge to define purpose(s), to make and verify hypotheses, and to infer and question content (Macaro & Erler, 2008; Urquhart & Weir, 1991). Although research has given teachers direction regarding the approach to use when providing strategy instruction in their classrooms, it has been left to teachers to develop the specific teaching tools required. In this article, I propose Reading Comprehension MAP for Situation-based comprehension (RC-MAPS): an instructional technique that provides teachers with an easily modified tool to assist in developing interpretative comprehension skills among second-language readers in academic environments through the strategy of questioning.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Sterzik, A. M., & Fraser, C. (2012). RC-MAPS: Bridging the Comprehension Gap in EAP Reading. TESL Canada Journal, 29(2), 103. https://doi.org/10.18806/tesl.v29i2.1103
In the Classroom