TESL Canada
TESL Canada is a national non-profit organization that partners with provincial and territorial, national, and international associations to promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional language.
Executive Officers
President - Donald Moen
Vice-President - Kathy Whynot
Past-President - Paula Kristmanson
Treasurer - Eric Violago
Secretary - Andrea Leitch-Blake
Elected Committee Chairs
Professional Development - Yalda Amadvand
Standards Chair - Dmitri Priven
Settlement Language National Network - Judy Sillito
TESL Canada Journal - Xuemei Li
Public Relations & Outreach - Amrita Gill
Additional information regarding TESL Canada can be found on the association's website: https://tesl.ca
TESL Canada Organizations/Organisations du TESL Canada
ATESL - Daniel Green
6-102 Education Centre North
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5
Email: ask@atesl.ca
P.O. Box 68013
Winnipeg, MB R3L 2V9
Email: team.eal.manitoba@gmail.com
New Brunswick/Nouveau Brunswick
TESL NB - Karen Spracklin
Email: teslnewbrunswick@gmail.com
British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique
206- 640 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1G4
Email: admin@bcteal.org
TESL SK - Vicki Schoch
PO Box 37067
Regina, SK S4S 7K3
Email: teslsask@gmail.com
TESL Ontario
27 Carlton Street, Ste 405
Toronto, ON M5B 1L2
Nova Scotia/Nouvelle Écosse
TESL Nova Scotia - Nicola Sattler
7001 Mumford Rd.
PO Box 29104
Halifax, N.S
B3L 4T8
Email: info@teslns.com
Email: teslnl@hotmail.com