Combined Assessment Model for EAP Writing Workshop: Portfolio Decision-Making, Criterion-Referenced Grading, and Contract Negotiation
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An assessment model that combines portfolio decision-making with criterion-referenced grading is described as applied in an EAP (English for Academic Purposes) pre-university ESL writing program. In this model, portfolio decision-making is combined with criterion-referenced assessment. The portfolio concept is valuable in that learners are encouraged to "own" and to make decisions about their work. At the same time, criterion-referenced assessment allows teachers to set meaningful, consistent standards while encouraging learner self- and peer assessment. Learner involvement may be further encouraged through the use of contract grading and collaborative revision of grading criteria. For academically oriented adult ESL learners, in particular, this assessment scheme encourages learner control while keeping performance-based standards at desirable levels.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Wilhelm, K. H. (1996). Combined Assessment Model for EAP Writing Workshop: Portfolio Decision-Making, Criterion-Referenced Grading, and Contract Negotiation. TESL Canada Journal, 14(1), 21–33.