Challenging Student Approaches to ESL Vocabulary Development
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Vocabulary is a "current word" in second language (L2) pedagogy (Anthony & Menasche, 1991). In a communicative approach to language teaching, this is helpful due to the importance of meaning both in learning and understanding English as a second language (ESL). However, to date student approaches to vocabulary acquisition have essentially been neglected in the classroom. This article describes an activity that used a questionnaire on student methods of vocabulary learning as a springboard for class discussion of helpful strategies suggested in the literature. After introducing the background for the activity, the procedures and results are outlined. Then suggestions for using a similar questionnaire in other adult ESL contexts are summarized.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Lessard-Clouston, M. . . . . . . . . . . (1994). Challenging Student Approaches to ESL Vocabulary Development. TESL Canada Journal, 12(1), 69–80.
In the Classroom/En Classe